NIH-IPCN Chronic Prostatitis Data Base Study


Proposal Submitted by: J. Curtis Nickel, MD, FRCSC Professor of Urology, Department of Urology, Queen's University, Kingston General Hospital, Kingston, Ontario K7L 2V7, Canada, Tel: (613) 548-2497, Fax: (613) 545-1970, Email:


October 2000.

Preamble: The National Institutes of Health International Prostatitis Collaborative Network (NIH-IPCN) is an evolving organization, sponsored and promoted by the NIH, of international prostatitis researchers, clinicians, patients, and industry whose mandate is to promote research and education in Prostatitis.


IPCN Data Base: The NIH-IPCN data base will be an international study in which researchers and clinicians will enroll prostatitis patients in a standardized protocol to further our understanding of the epidemiology, etiology, natural history, and treatment of chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS).


Steering Committee: The steering committee will consist of:

A representative of the NIH/NIDDK.

A representative of the NIH-IPCN steering committee.

A representative of the NIH-CPCRN.

A representative of the coordinating center/data base managers.

3 international representatives of the NIH-IPCN.



To develop an international chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) data base.

To determine the international spectrum of CP/CPPS.

To examine possible etiological correlations.

To compare the International Prostatitis Data Base to the North American NIH-CPCRN CPC data base.

To stimulate translation of the NIH Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index into as many international.

To promote large international and collaborative studies in the etiology, epidemiology, natural history and treatment of CP/CPPS.


Process: The steering committee of the NIH-IPCN International Prostatitis Data Base Study will develop an international data base study protocol, similar and comparable to the North American NIH-CPCRN CPC study.

Funding: The project will be partially funded, endorsed and coordinated by the National Institutes of Health. Major funding of the project will come from Industry grants.


January 25, 2005.

Research Center Trials Beginning 2005.

Chronic prostatitis is a disabling condition of unknown origin affecting men of all ages and ethnic groups. Most have chronic pelvic pain associated with urinary frequency and urgency; however, they do not have demonstrable urinary or prostatic infections that can be detected by conventional microbiological techniques.

In 1997, the NIDDK formed the first Chronic Prostatitis Collaborative Research Network (CPCRN) comprised of six clinical centers to conduct epidemiologic and clinical trial studies examining the nature, treatment and prevention of this disease.

The NIDDK is building on the work begun by the CPCRN. An expanded research network has been organized to conduct additional clinical trials of promising therapeutic interventions. The new CPCRN is comprised of 11 clinical centers and a data-coordinating center. Ancillary studies will be conducted inconjunction with the clinical trials.

For more information about these trials see You can find contact information for the 11 research centers there.

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