

  NIH-CPSI/National Institutes of Health-Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index, USA Observera!

  IPSS/International Prostatic Symtom Score

  University of Washington Symptom Score, USA 



NIH-CPSI/National Institutes of Health-Chronic Prostatitis Symtom Index, USA 

Developed by the NIDDK-funded Chronic Prostatitis Collaborative Research Network. Detta symtomindex (frågeformulär) används både inom forskningen rörande kronisk prostatit och numera även i kliniskt sammanhang. Finns bl.a. att hämta på Finns även översatt och anpassat till ett tiotal olika språk.


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IPSS/International Prostatic Symtom Score

En skattningsskala för primär utredning vid prostatasjukdomar. Se 


0-7 indicates mild symptoms

8-19 indicates moderate symptoms

20-35 indicates severe symptoms.


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University of Washington Symptom Score

In the past week, including today, how much were you bothered by (rank from 1 to 5,  5 most bothered): 

1.   pain in the lower back. 

2.   pain between the testicles and the anus 

3.   pain in the lower abdomen 

4.   pain in the rectal area 

5.   pain in the testicles 

6.   pain in the penis 

7.   pain during urination 

8.   bladder does not feel completely empty right after urinating 

9.   need to urinate again less than 2 hours after urinating 

10. stopping and starting several times while urinating 

11. difficulty postponing urination, hard to hold it 

12. weak urinary stream 

13. having to push or strain to begin urination 

14. getting up to urinate one or more times a night 

15. difficulty maintaining an erection 

16. pain with ejaculation 

17. difficulty getting an erection 

18. blood in your semen 

19. lack of interest in sexual activity 

20. premature ejaculation 

21. difficulty in reaching ejaculation. 


Questions 1-7 constitute the pain scale, 8-14 the voiding scale and 15 to 21 the sexual dysfunction scale. The higher the score the more likely you have prostatitis. 


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