Tronix - Limits from the past...

...Sweden, summer 1988...

- There where a group called Power Station that was not at all well-known. In this group there was two members who really liked the thing coding on the C64. Their names where Powerslave and Mr. Crowley. When Powerslave changed class in school he meet the dude called Iron in the group Tronix, also not so well-known... This meeting ended so that Powerslave and Mr. Crowley skipped Power Station and joined Tronix. Not long after that, the demo "Hotshot" was released. This demo was suposed to be used under the Power Station label, but became later on the first whole disk side demo from Tronix. The demo was a breakthrue for the group and placed Tronix on the european hacker-map. Tronix became bigger with more good coders and graphicans and a lot of demos where released. Tronix where first to make a lot of new routines wich became ideas for other groups to try to map. After a couple of years did Tronix split up due to lazyness from some of itīs members(Powerslave for example...) Two new groups where born. Most of the members joined a group called "Mocean" and some joined a group called "AltoBrows". Mocean did some cool demos but died slowly and AltoBrows died without having made any demos at all.

Around 1992 Powerslave buyed an Amiga and meet a realy good 68000 coder called "Olle". He told Olle ībout the old Tronix era and he remembered Tronix from his C64 age. They decided to start a new group on the Amiga and re-using the Tronix label. Some demos where made and some of them was realy nifty. After a year or two Tronix was dead again, and Powerslave decided that never try to wake it up again...

May they rest in peace and live in our memories as long as we use a computer. Without the c64 demoscene the home computer using would never be the same as it is nowadays...

/Powerslave of Tronix