Download area for historical software!

On this page you can download our hard work and for example run it in an emulator, or if your a real cool guy, copy it to your C1541 drive and then run it on a real C64... Follow the links on the linkspage for places to find good emulators.

First of all there is our realy old work from the time when we where called "Genesis":

Genesis - First diskside

Realy bad coding and lousy artworks...

Genesis - Second diskside

Better coding and better artworks, but still lousy...

Genesis - Third diskside

Now we are talking! Beginning to look nice!

Then Powerslave and Mr. Crowley joined the group "Power Station":

Powerstation - The only diskside

It´s only getting better! A couple of beutifull demos on this one... Not advanced, but looking nice... Download!

Now the era starts... Powerslave and Mr. Crowley is joining "Tronix", and many demos will be released:

Tronix - Hotshot

First diskside demo. Using for example: 16 unexpanded side border scrolls, rasterscroll, 25 lines of moving text with samples and music and a lot more....

Tronix - Limits of tomorrow

Another diskside demo. Containing for example: 6 spritescroll+splitrasters+samples, DYCP scroll rotating around a rasterbar, 10 splitrasters+chars, Rasterscroll....

Tronix - Day after tomorrow

A one file demo by MadMax/Tronix. Example of code: 6 sprite high scroll+rasters+samples...

Tronix - MegaBlast

A one file demo by Treax(Runway)/Tronix. Using DYCP scrolls in a couple of ways... Great!

Tronix - Utopia

A one file demo by Powerslave/Tronix. 6 parts of nice code. Example: 8 DYSP+rasters, Hi-Res scroller, $D017 Stretch, 32 sprites multiplex and at last the non-beaten 7 sprite high sideborder scroll with samples and music...

Tronix - No limits at all

Demo on two disksides, almost all coders in Tronix brings you parts... Many nice things on this one... 8 DYSP + 5 splits, Y-Stretching chars, DXYCP sinus, ECI scroller....

Tronix - Special

Mr. Crowley´s first and only demo. This one is completely done by him, music, graphics, coding and ideas... Beutiful!

Tronix - Top Shit

A one part demo by Powerslave. 10 splitrasters + chars.

Tronix - Rape her

A realy lousy demo by Iron. He got much crap from the other members for this one... A must have! :-)

Tronix - Old productions

Very old demos from the time when Tronix was lousy... :-) Demos by Iron, The Hawk, Spirit and Wardog!

Tronix - Weird Limits

The Ikari/Zargon party demo... Great production with for example lot´s of D.Y.S.P!

Tronix/Riffs - Blasting Power

A co-op demo between Tronix And Life of Riffs. Done by Iron/Tronix and Dino/Riffs.

Tronix - Tomorrow Mirror

Nice demo with DYSP+splits, DYCP scroll, 25 charscrolls etc. Download!

For you who don´t get a thing of all that DYSP and ECI talk:

D.Y.C.P - Different Y Char Position. You have to code like on the Amiga to put out the char on the screen. On the C64 only one byte have to be stored in screen memory for putting a char on the screen. But then you are bounded to have the chars on the same Y position. With this one you put 8 bytes in memory to set the char where you want...

D.X.Y.C.P - Different Y and X Char Position. Almost the same, but for one thing, the X position... Now we are talking more complex code, rolling the bytes (rotating the bits to left or right) and also taking care of the other char also in that byte...

D.Y.S.P - Different Y Sprite Position. Needs good timing. Every Sprite takes 2 cycles when it is visible. When you have killed the sideborder the timing gets critical...

E.C.I. - Extended Colors with Interlace. Shifting every second colorbit every second frame to get another color... The result depends of the monitor or TV used...

F.L.D - Flexible line distance. With the adress $D011 you decide the Y position of the screen. You can fool the VIC to do this where you want in the screen and getting the result of lines moving away from eachother...