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Minatures gallery

Here I showcase any minis, terrain or anything else that I like. For the moment only my models are here, but if you've got something that you think looks nice don't hesitate to send it to me. If it's larger than one megabyte though, please send me another email first to warn me - otherwise your pictures might not get through. Well enough chatter - on to the models:

All manner of nice and available models can be found in the Random miniatures gallery. Most of everything that doesn't warrant a category of it's own goes in here.

Then we have my Mordheim warband which looks quite nice, even though a few models are unpainted.

One of my favourite models is my Elric conversion who fits in well with my Caledor army.

And to tie in with the above, my so-far unfinished Caledor Spearelves.

You can also take a look at one of my most recent projects, a scratch-built High Elf hero. While not quite finished, it's still rather interesting.