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Elric conversion

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This is my version of Elric, albino Emperor of Melniboné and bearer of the Black Sword. If you haven't read this excellent fantasy series by Michael Moorcock then do so immediately - not only is it a splendid read on it's own, it is also one of the very largest inspirations for the WHFB world (which was acknowledged in 2nd edition)! This project originally started out as a Dragon Prince Mage. However, as he started to come together he began looking more and more like Elric! Probably something unconscious (Elric is the rough equivalent of a Dragon Prince Mage/Warrior after all).

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The base of this conversion is Prince Imrik. His legs were slightly bent so that they would fit on a Dragon Prince horse. I then repositioned his left arm (Runesword) so that it pointed forwards instead of up, adding some putty to fill in the joints. His right (lance) arm was also changed so that instead of pointing straight forward it now points up/forward and in towards the model's middle. Some putty was needed for this as well, sculpting some robes to join the shoulder with the new arm position Then I cut off the Star Lance and replaced it with a cocktail stick, which I added putty to until it became a wooden staff. Now time to delve into that ol' bits box. A part of Teclis (of which I have no less than 3 models) staff was added to the point of the staff to make it look suitably wizardly. I then browsed through the spell cards, and noticed that most staffs have some sort of skull on them. I originally planned to use a standard skeleton skull, even though it was horribly unoriginal, The I noticed the Necromunda Orclock (free with a WD issue) and I had my skull. Add in two horns in putty and the staff is done. As the model was meant to be used as a wizard as well as a warrior, I had to cut down on the armour. Thus, all chainmail was filled in with putty, turning it into robes. I really liked the result of this. Finally, to give it a little more wizardly feel, I recplaced the dragon wings on the head with part of Prince Tyrion's (of which I also have 3 copies) feather headdress. Finished!