Patre Nostre



Pater Noster in Gotlandese como es usate Anno 1742. -  Jac. Toftén





Oe Fadur, Du sum jäst i himmelij, Our Father which art in heaven. Patre Nostre, qui es in le celo,
hailigit warde titt nafn, Hallowed be thy name.

santificate sia tu nomine;

kume dit reike näste uss Thy kingdom come.

que veni tu regno;

warde dein wilo sum i himmelij, så ukså pa jordene. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.

que sia facite tu voluntate,

assi in le celo e in le terra.

De dagliga braud gif us i dag: Give us this day our daily bread.

Nostre pan quotidian da nos hodie,

uk fyrilat uss ora skulda, And forgive us our debts,

e pardona le debitos nostre,

sum wörr fyrilatum daim, sum uss skulduga järo. as we forgive our debitors.

assi como nos pardona le debitores nostre,

Uk laid aij uss in i fristelse, And lead us not into temptation.

e non nos induce in tentation,

men heldur freia uss fra deij
But deliver us from evil.

sed libera nos del mal.

Fyr reike jär ditt, uk makti, uk herlighaiti, ifra nu, uk i aiwiga teida.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.




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Last updated: 06/07/04.