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Ellegren, H. (1990): Autumn migration speed in Scandinavian Bluethroats (Luscinia s. svecica). Ring. & Migr. 11: 121 - 131.

The average speed of autumn migration in Bluethroats was estimated using two different methods: calculations on ringing recoveries and comparisons of median arrival dates at several stop-over sites. Estimates revealed by these two methods were similar, indicating that temporal data from stop-over sites can reliably monitor the timing of migration.
Females arrived before males at stop-over sites in Scandinavia (in juveniles mean difference 3 days, in adults 0.9 days), but estimates of migration speed were similar between sexes. The migration speed in juveniles was estimated to be 30 - 40 km per day for migration in Sweden, and to be 40 - 65 km per day for migration to Finland. Adult birds migrated significantly faster than juveniles during the first part of the autumn migration (100 - 110 km per day). It is suggested that the age differences in migration speed within Scandinavia may be due to differences in fat accumulation and stop-over times between the age classes. Possibly, simultaneous migration and completion of the post-juvenile moult also has a negative effect on the migration speed in juveniles.
The migration speed in juveniles increased as the autumn progressed, approaching average values of 100 km per day for migration in southwestern Asia. There are no data available that can explain this situation, although factors such as the rate of fat accumulation at differentstop-over sites along the migration route, experience and selection are discussed.

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Danish Summary in English translation: Since 1886 a large number of birds killed at lighthouses and lightships have been regularly sent to the Zoological Museum of Copenhagen University.

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Rendahl, H. (1959): Beringungsergebnisse über die Wanderungen der schwedischen Arten der Gattung Emberiza. Ark. f. Zool.: 303 - 312.

Roos, G. (2000): Sträckfågelräkningar vid Falsterbo hösten 1999. Fåglar i Skåne 1999, Anser, suppl. 44: 65 - 91.

Simberloff, D. (1980a): A Succession of Paradigms in Ecology: Essentialism to Materialism and Probabilism. Synthese 43: 41 - 45.

Simberloff, D. (1980b): A Succession of Paradigms in Ecology: Essentialism to Materialism and Probabilism - Reply. Synthese 43: 79 - 93.

Sokal, R.R. & F.J. Rohlf (1995): Biometry - 3rd ed., 4th printing. Freeman, New York.

Steinbacher, R. W. (1986): Bemerkungen zur Systematik der Rohrammer, Emberiza schoeniclus (L.). J. Orn. 78: 471 - 487.

Summers, R. W. (1986): Breeding production of Dark-bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla bernicla in relation to lemming cycles. Bird Study 33: 105 - 108.

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Started 10.4.03, last corrected 26.1.04.