Moult and migration of the Greenfinch (Carduelis chloris) in SW Scania, Sweden

Material and methods

From the tables in "Visible Bird Migration..." (Ulfstrand et al., 1974) it could be inferred, that the Greenfinch Carduelis chloris is an October migrant in southern Sweden, with culmination by the middle of the month. This is not quite to the point; the October migrants are mainly juveniles, while the adult birds are not moulted until the shift October/November, and do not migrate in fair numbers until the last October decade. In many years the migration of adult Greenfinches goes on throughout November. It should be added, that some of these birds have reached their destination in SW Scania, and others are only heading for the Danish isles or Germany. The most strenuous migration journey - from N. Norway, N. Sweden or Finland - already lies behind them.
The food base of Greenfinches in the Sound area from late autumn is seeds of beach plants, e.g. Oraches Chenopodium, Atriplex and Sea Club-rush Scirpus maritimus, but above all the hip kernels of the Japanese Rose Rosa rugosa. The fructification of the latter species varies much between years; with extended periods of drought in summer many hips are shed, and the rest is consumed by migrating Greenfinches before the end of October. In such years there is unrest among the migrating birds; the rose thickets do not only provide food, but also protection. I have seen Greenfinches running like voles on the ground when attacked by a female Hen Harrier (Circus cyaneus), experienced birds seem to feel quite safe between the thorny stems. The significance of Japanese Roses is demonstrated by the fact, that practically all Greenfinches caught in late autumn have thick, reddish rolls of pulp surrounding the base of the bill.

carduelis chloris

Fig. 1. Is this some Spanish Greenfinch, related to the Greenfinch like Crested Coot to Coot? No, just a common Greenfinch after gorging upon Japanese Rose.

So, there may be problems with food supply for the Greenfinch already in November, and this is countered by a slightly opportunist feeding pattern. The species turns to densely populated areas, exploits different ornamental plants (often other Rosa- species), and visits bird-tables. If bales of flax (containing seeds) are exposed in a harbour, Greenfinches will congregate in thousands, and as long as Cannabis was grown for pheasants in some areas, the local Greenfinches were well provided for in winter. Reports of the Swedish Bird-Ringing Centre from forty years clearly show the therapeutical role played by the species for "unemployed" ringers in winter months.
In Ljunghusen on the Falsterbo peninsula (55º 24' N, 12º 55' N) I myself, at Löddesnäs (55º 44' N, 13º 00' E) and in Lund (55º 41' N, 13º 12' E) Ulf Lundwall and at Kämpinge (55º 24' N, 13º 00' E) Peter Olsson have ringed and investigated 1455 adult Greenfinches (609 males, 846 females) during the autumn migration period (3.10 - 6.12, 1979 - 2001). Ageing was based on rectrix wear and form, between 5 and 10 % of all birds with fresh rectrices turn out to be yearlings when alula and primary coverts are examined as well. A few 1y birds may have passed for adults due to poor attention, but the error is insignificant. From this material there are 1171 moult cards, 8 recorded by Peter Olsson on two occasions at Kämpinge, 39 recorded by Ulf Lundwall at Lund/Löddesnäs, the rest by myself at Ljunghusen. 304 males and 349 females had fresh remiges, 128 males and 212 females had shed all remiges but had one or several of these still growing, while 38 males and 140 females had one or several old secondaries and in a few cases also growing outer primaries. Six years dominate: 1982, 88, 90, 94, 97, 99, in these years Greenfinches were easy to attract with feeding - in other years it is practically impossible. Details from these six years are presented in Table I.

Table I. Moulting data from the six main years

PeriodnBirds in fresh plumage: n / %Birds with growing remiges: n / %Remaining average score of moulters
± 1 s.e.; 1 s.d.
30.10 - 29.11.82232160 / 69.072 / 31.012.0 ± 1.4; 11.8
24..10 - 14.11.8813488 / 65.746 / 34.37.3 ± 1.2; 7.8
16.10 - 21.11.90219133 / 60.786 / 39.311.2 ± 1.3; 12.2
14.10 - 16.11.9421099 / 47.1111 / 52.910.6 ± 1.0; 10.5
15.10 - 8.11.977148 / 67.623 / 32.412.9 ± 2.0; 9.4
16.10 - 3.11.9913095 / 73.135 / 26.910.1 ± 1.4; 8.4

20 moult-cards from local breeders between July and September have been added to this material. The emphasis is on graphic presentation, above all I want the reader to have the general appearance of the moult diagrams before his eyes.


The distribution of 1455 adult Greenfinches caught between October and early December is shown in Fig. 2. The median of males falls on 1 November, of females on 2 November. The material was collected mainly in years when Japanes Rose hips were in short supply; the possibility must be considered, that such years are to some extent "meagre years", and that this affects the position of the median. This implies that the same poor supply is also felt further to the north, where other seeds and fruits of e.g. Hawthorn, Rowan and Whitebeam are on the menu. Against this background I do not believe in real food scarcity in autumn where Greenfinches are involved; the possible substitutes are too many, trees, bushes, herbs, grasses, and all cannot fail at the same time.

adult migration

Fig. 2. Distribution of adult Greenfinches, caught in SW Scania 1979 - 2001. n(female) = 846, median 2 November, n(male) = 609, median 1 November, pentade 61 = 28.10 - 1.11.

The material from July to September is extremely poor compared with the massive contribution from late autumn. But more is not needed to prop up a regression line; if one day is added at a time the regression is fixed = 0.54 already from 1 November, and in Fig. 3 all material up till and including 17 November has been included. The calculated average individual moulting period is 81 days, from 16 August to 5 November, a look in the answers (Ginn & Melville 1983, Lehikoinen & Niemelä 1977, Newton 1968, 1972) suggests an individual duration of 85 days in British Greenfinches, while Finnish birds are said to need 75 - 85 days. The calculation gives a fair result, but it should be remembered that the innermost secondaries tend to lag behind, their growth rate slows down to practically zero by the end of the moulting period. In November there is often no measurable growth over 24 hours in the fifth and sixth secondaries (growing alone and close to completion), if all remiges to the last millimeter are included in the calculations the duration of moult will no doubt exceed 100 days in some individuals. Holmberg (1992) points out a similar slow growth-rate of the innermost secondaries in Bramblings (Fringilla montifringilla).

greenfinch moult

Fig. 3. Regression TIME on MOULT SCORE (P + S = 0 - 150) in Greenfinches from SW Scania, material up till and including 17.11. One point may denote more than one bird. Time 1 = 1 August. (Scale: full-grown remige = 10 points; 9 primaries + 6 secondaries; only birds with sheath on P9 or single P9, S6, S5 larger than 0.95 occur as score 150 in the calculations).

The distribution of all birds with fresh remiges is shown in Fig. 4, this distribution roughly coincides with the overall distribution (Fig. 2) and the median is the same. It is this majority that swings the "conductor's baton", the rest fits into the scheme, and this compels some birds to migrate with growing wing or various forms of suspended/arrested moult:

grf fresh remiges

Fig. 4. Time distribution of adult Greenfinches with fresh remiges, caught in SW Scania 1979 - 2001. n(female) = 349, n(male) = 304, median of both sexes 2 November; pentade 61 = 28.10 - 1.11.

The remaining birds (44.2 % of the material) had growing or old remiges when occurring on migration or arriving at their destination in SW Scania. In many cases the remaining section was no more than a nail on the innermost secondary (far less than 1 % of the total remige surface), in other cases it was obvious, that the bird would still have to divert energy and proteins to feather growth for a couple of weeks - or be forced to arrest. A couple of protocols may illustrate what is at stake:
  1. 2c+ female, 26.10.94. S1 - 2 0.95, S3 - 6 old; P8 0.4, P9 old.
  2. 2c+ female, 28.10.90. S1 new, S2 0,7, S3 - 6 old; P1 - 6 new, P7 0.9, P8 0.3, P9 old.
  3. 2c+ female, 1.11.90. S1 0.95, S2 0.8, S3 - 6 old; P8 0.6, P9 shed.
  4. 2c+ female, 3.11.88. S1 - 2 new, S3 0.9, S4 - 6 old; P8 0.95, P9 0.6.
  5. 2c+ female, 26.11.91. S2 0.8, S3 - 6 old.
  6. 2 2c+ females, 4.12.91. S4 new, S5 - 6 old.
Females are in majority among late moulters, they must on average start moulting later than males. When it comes to arresting, S6, S5 - 6 or S4 - 6 are usually involved, these feathers are retained in worn state until the next postnuptial moult. In addition it is rather common that the last growing secondary does not grow to full length, but halts at 0.95 - 0.98 of full length, this can be seen rather often on S6 also in adult males in spring. The impression gained is that a tap is turned, the supply of energy and nutrients to the feather is abruptly shut off. From this it can be inferred that the synchronization of moult and migration in the Greenfinch - to some extent a sedentary bird in south Sweden - is as strict as in any long-distance migrant. There is one very instructive moult-card from Ljunghusen, showing that arrested moult is by no means a feature typical only of northern populations, on the contrary it may be more wide-spread among southern birds with late broods, I believe this is the case:
  1. 2c+ female, 21.8.89. P1 - 4 new, P5 shed; S1 - 2 "semi-new", of full length, S3 "semi-new" 0.9, S4 - 6 older and very worn.
Here is a bird, that arrested after S3 (not growing to full length) in one autumn, but has started at the proper time in the following year and has good prospects of moulting all remiges. The average position of regular replacement of S1 - 3 is clear from cards 3 and 4 in the above list; S3 is shed while P9 is growing and is often completed before the primary.

Fig. 5 accounts for the remaining growth in tenths of full remige length in birds, that have no unshed remiges left and will be ready when the growing remiges have reached their full length. In most cases the gap in these birds is less than one full remige (secondary), and gaps exceeding 1.5 remiges are rare. On average migrating males as well as females have flown with a gap of 0.4 ± 0.04 remiges (secondaries), s.d. 0.4 remiges. The median of males falls on 30 October, of females on 1 November, i.e. both sexes in this category are approximately synchronized with the birds with fresh remiges. There is a difference between sexes, however; in males there is a weak, positive regression, while females are vertically distributed around the median 1 November. This reminds of conditions in the Yellow Wagtail - to: Moult of Yellow Wagtails (Motacilla flava) in Sweden - where the margins are very narrow when a bird has entered September, and still has a few remiges to moult. The fact that the regression TIME on MOULT SCORE becomes vertical is the first sign of time pressure in a moulting bird.

grf hane lucka grf hona  lucka

Fig. 5. Gap, measured in tenths of full remige (inner secondary) length in adult Greenfinches with the last remiges growing, SW Scania 1979 - 2001. n(female) = 212, n(male) = 128.

Finally, in Fig. 6, scores in birds with at least one remaining, old remige. The number of males is smalll (n = 38), most of them have one secondary (S6) left and their distribution is clustered around the regression line. Most of these birds will arrest and start moulting earlier in the following year in order to include the worn remige. The average gap is 0.4 ± 0.07 rewiges, s.d. 0.4 remiges and the median falls on 31 October. Nothing separates this category from other male categories. Females with old remiges (n = 140) are significantly more numerous (uncorr. G = 34.26) than could be expected from the overall sex ratio in autumn; in many cases they will have to arrest their moult with 1, 2 or 3 old secondaries. But from en aerodynamic point of view they are not more handicapped than other moulters: average gap 0.5 ± 0.04 remiges, s.d. 0.5 remiges, median 1 November. They have been coerced into migrationn, but by arresting their moult the remaining gap is minimized, and they have roughly the same flying capacity as the surrounding birds. (Here Ulf Ottosson remarks that a gap close to the body is the most harmful in flight; I want to look more into this matter).

grf hane gamla grf hona gamla

Fig. 6. Moult score in adult Greenfinches with at least one old remige, SW Scania 1979 - 2001. n(female) = 140, n(male) = 38, average regression line from fig. 3 drawn, double points marked with " etc. Approximative limits, where females with 1, 2 and 3 old remiges are forced to arrest and migrate shown with dashed lines, these limits probably do not surpass TIME = 95 or 100. Right-angled distance to mean regression shown with thick lines. Two birds around 90/90 in the female diagramme had five old remiges.

The whole treatment has made for this diagram, it shows that the transition from moult to migration is regulated by a flexible, information-processing system. The moulting bird is wheedled to a performance that is temporally (it should not be left on its own) and functionally (its flying ability should not be inferior) possible to integrate in the system; the time-table may be stretched but not entirely violated. In the individual case (a particular "life history": moult status from the previous year, breeding performance of the present year, etc.) this may imply a compromise, that has to be achieved within the framework of a dynamics, that initially submits its parameters and limits in an advisory way, but in the end cuts off and expels the stragglers. The moult is individually related to some sort of average moult performance and a log for migration. Birds with three old remiges do not leave if they can wait till they have only two without serious disadvantage, and only birds with one old remige migrate before the mean regression is crossed. A bird with two old remiges may continue its moult if it is close to mean regression but is forced to leave when the distance to average performance exceeds some limit. When migration is in progress, the growth speed of remiges seems to decline drastically; birds with three old remiges are slowed down around a score of 115, birds with 2 old remiges around 125; birds with these scores in SW Scania may have departed with much the same scores one or two weeks earlier. The "cusp"-catastrophe Elementary catastrophe theory, an introduction offers itself as a trapdoor in such a system: the time distance to the mean regression is "splitting" parameter, the moult performance or the remaining gap normal parameter. (The system must not bring birds with coordinates 15/50 close to the bifurcation curve, but this can be avoided with suitable choice of the parameters. It could be said, that the catastrophe in this case has a filter function, it appoints a limit that must be reached before the bird is free to leave; a limit that is moved downwards on the performance scale from day to day).


Fig. 7. The cusp catastrophe as a model for the "extradition" of late moulting Greenfinch females to the migration movement at some latitude in Scandinavia. Numeric values, highly tentative, from fig. 6.

A short digression from here to spring conditions. The Greenfinch is a numerous wintering bird in urban areas in Scania, and on the Falsterbo peninsula a few hundred do always alternate between beach areas and feeding tables in gardens. The majority of autumn migrants stays further south: in Germany, Denmark, Holland and Belgium. Spring migration starts very early, along the Scanian south coast Siskins (Carduelis spinus), Chaffinches (Fringilla coelebs), Bramblings (Fringilla montifringilla), Hawfinches (Coccothraustes coccothraustes) - and Greenfinches "leak in" from appr. 1 March. This is a sort of staging or "Zwischenzug", it seems to me that the birds do not head directly for their goal areas. In spite of the early occurrence early spring must be regarded as a period of scarcity for finches, and they are easy to attract with feeding during this period. They also stay longer where feeding is regular and abundant - fourteen days or three weeks in April is not unusual - and put on 20 % migration fat, in many cases even more. But there is no remige moult, not a single feather. (On the other hand there may be grotesque interruptions from autumn, looking like active moult).
Fig. 8 shows the distribution of adult Greenfinches in at least their 3rd calendar year, caught in Ljunghusen, Lund and Löddesnäs between 2.3 and 20.5 1979 - 2001. The median for males falls on 16 April, for females on 13 April. Note that males are in majority, but if the surplus in early May (30 males) is disregarded the sex ratio becomes 50 : 50 and the median of both sexes falls on 13 April. In April migrating Greenfinches often occur as distinct pairs, the male following a particular female whenever she flies, single males are more common in May, indicating that most of them are local birds with brooding females.


Fig. 8. Distribution per decade (7 = 2 - 11.3) of Greenfinches in at least their 3rd calendar year, ringed in SW Scania 2.3 - 20.5, 1979 - 2001. n(male) = 242, n(female) = 213.


I. General I know from the outset what is not allowed: to hold out e.g. the Greenfinch female as "adapted" in her moult, next moving backwards in space and time, destilling a "selective advantage" or pointing out some deft causality against which the moult process rubs itself, like a cat against its master's leg. Even the most conscious and conscientious Darwinists are unable to resist this basic, empty gesture. Second: I find the notion of "adaptive programming" in e.g. the moulting bird of minor interest; the internal readiness is indisputable, but it leads the thinking astray: the transition to moult or migration is at any rate not mechanically, automatically instructed from the level of the genome. Third: I cannot avoid adaptive figures altogether, they sneak in underhand, a system "adapts" itself through its dynamics. I can insist, however, that this adaptation is not rooted in a fix code, but in the capability of the systems dynamics to react on and promptly handle signals from the inside and the outside alike. A program-controlled system is not always structurally stable (producing a certain result also when perturbed), but an open, dynamical, information-processing system may be constructed for structural stability. This is the crucial point, the one that breaks the "logic" of Darwinism. He or she who is uncertain about the content of this objection should keep clear of Darwinism and avoid terms like "adaptive" or "selective" (they need to be purified first).
In order to emphasize that I move against the current, that my direction of thinking is opposite to the Darwinist direction, I choose to call the female Greenfinches "misfitted" in their moult, consequently, systematically misfitted. An excellent term, provocative in its double connotation (it also announces that the bird will not be pulled through the current adaptive threshing machine). This is my starting-point: the mis-adapted moult of the Greenfinch female.

II. Role of the catastrophes There are "catastrophic" mechanisms in bird populations (but in all other biological systems as well - down to the hibernation of a collapsed system as "spores"), dynamical courses that interrupt a breeding failure, orchestrate a second attempt if there is time, expel moulting birds if their time is running out. A sort of "emergency brakes" or abortions (spontaneous abortion contains all that is typical of catastrophes), that gather up the crowds when something has gone wrong, when holocaust is an option if worst comes to the worst. This is a systemic quality, evident from the fact, that the interruption takes place synchronously, imperatively, in the way gravel is tipped from a lorry. The catastrophe is the ultimate self-preservation of the population; insofar it is a foundation bolt. These - in the population, in the dynamics of the system rooted - catastrophes are "creative", they create the more or less permanent time limits of the system and the synchronization between different states/phases of the annual cycle. We may for the present avoid the question where exactly they are housed, if they are mainly "external" or mainly "internal" - but it is fairly obvious that they must be both; their foundation is the interaction between rather primitively coded (linear) information from the inside and the outside alike.

III. Catastrophes and general dynamics In Sweden the Greenfinch has increased its numbers and expanded its distribution northwards, this development has been particularly pronounced in the second half of the century (SOF. 1990). There are many similar "episodes" in the zoogeographical history of Sweden in the 20th century: the expansions of Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus), Collared Dove (Streptopelia decaocto) and Scarlet Grosbeak (Carpodacus erythrinus) for three examples. The pioneers of such expansions are always extremely "misfitted" to start with, they are put out in the cold in more than one respect. In all contexts of this kind catastrophes manifest themselves: interrupting breeding that has suffered from low temperatures, rain, drought, or lack of food, expelling Long-tailed Skuas (Stercorarius longicaudus) to the oceans, sending Slender-billed Nutcrackers (Nucifraga caryocatactes macrorhynchos) across continents in the middle of the summer - and expelling late moulters before their chances of getting anywhere are completely spoiled. (The invasion is a well-known manifestation of catastrophic expulsion; its phenomenology has never been quite penetrated - here the moult occupies a central role - nor has it been connected with other types of interruptions, sharing the same dynamical background). The interrupting catastrophe is preserving, it salvages the remnants and lays out the fundament for another attempt, be it with weakened numbers. Or expels a remnant with weakened but not entirely unfit condition. In this function it is an important agent in subarctic, but also in temperate areas, it keeps a population from fighting too hard against the odds. (In arctic areas a species should fight, with extra fat, fur and feathering, but catastrophes are beneath the surface even here, only the thresholds are higher).
Thus, the most important function of a catastrophe is interruption. But there may be secondary effects as well: it is capable of moving time-limits, insofar as there are internal clocks, running from the interruption of last year's breeding or moult (references here). In this way the catastrophe may turn out to be creative, or, using a term borrowed from Levontin (1978): problem-solving (not applied to catastrophes by Levontin). Progressively creative, in a teleonomic, vaguely goal-seeking process.

An expansion phase in a bird species is a period of intense dynamics, and catastrophes are at work on several levels: moving spring migration backwards in the calendar, synchronizing a tricky breeding, and piloting an adequate number of adults from moult to consecutive phases of the annual cycle. During such periods the state equations of the system lead to a particular zone with numerous catastrophes. Later on the population may show a more static behaviour, the dynamics loses its potency, becomes in a way powerless, and numbers often decline at the same time. Now the state equations lead to another, non-catastrophic zone, this is what may have happened to the earlier mentioned species Black-headed Gull, Collared Dove and Scarlet Grosbeak. One hypothesis immediately offers itself: populations (or perhaps rather: central population parameters) pulsate a little in this respect, and the strong, expansive populations are characterized by being located to the "ultradynamic" zone, where several broad, displacing/interrupting catastrophes are active and "cut" in the different phases of the annual cycle. Here is a regulatory mechanism, that sees to it that the informational base, the starting-points rendered by the genome, need not be modified at once (or at all), perhaps prematurely. (And how a basic change is effected, if it comes, is an open question). As a consequence a higher frequency of arrested moult could be expected in an expansive, dynamic population, more of strictly regulated (suspended or complete) moult in a static or receding. This could be worded even more incisively: The strong population is more "misfitted", its material is richer and it "plays" more with this material, sacrifices more of either sex; the static or receding population is more "adapted" and anxious, also about its material.

IV. Greenfinches: general The annual counts from 27 years at Falsterbo (Roos 2000) indicate that the Greenfinch populations migrating by way of S. Sweden hold their position as late as 1999, there are no signs of a "Black-headed Gull decline". Second, table I (above) indicates a stable, surprisingly high frequency of late or arrested moult. And the migration diagrams (Figs. 2, 8) show how all phases have been stretched and displaced; spring migration starts very early and ends late in the season - be it late in April rather than in May. The autumn migration of adults doesn't culminate until one or a few days into November and lasts throughout the month. Historical material (Rudebeck 1950, Ulfstrand et al. 1974) indicates that there have been changes on the part of SW Scania, while the amputated diagrams in Edelstam (1972) suggest large-scale November migration at Ottenby as early as the 1940's. I do not know which source and which supposition to trust and choose here.

As early as the 1940's day length or photoperiod were pointed out as ultimate factors triggering moult, and Greenfinches were involved in the first attempts to manipulate the annual cycle by means of artificial light (Damsté 1947). There followed a long development, prompted above all by the Germans Berthold & Gwinner, with a parallel development in America and intense exchange between the two camps. Berthold and Gwinner were trying to establish a hereditary "circannual periodics", running autonomously, exceeding or falling behind the calendar year, and reacting to external stimuli. The role of the photoperiod and the "internal clock" have been established for decades now, but what has often escaped notice during this long development is the fact, that much research took place under laboratory conditions, and that the "field contact" of Berthold and Gwinner (e.g. Gwinner 1968, Gwinner, Berthold & Klein 1972, Berthold, Gwinner & Klein 1970, 1972a, b, Berthold 1974, 1975, Berthold & Schwabl-Brenzinger 1982) left something to be desired; there are several examples where they stretched reality to make it fit into their models (for one example see Högstedt & Persson 1982). I still experience this lack of field contact and tendency towards mechanical thinking in many modern writings about circannual periodics, "internal clocks"; whenever I scrape on a species (any species) I find another moult schedule, another "stretching" and another timing than suggested in handbooks and papers of even recent date. Six years of Dunlin study in the Sound area were enough to shatter the petrified image of Dunlin moult (Greenwood 1983, Holmgren et al. 1993, to: Moult of Dunlin Calidris alpina in the Sound area, S. Sweden); it is hard to avoid the feeling, that everything remains to be done in this field. And the thing that happens again and again is characteristic: a rather square picture is dissolved; conditions turn out to be far more flexible - not an indiscriminate mix, but regulated and flexible - than originally assumed. An expression like "adaptive temporal programming of moult and migration disposition" (Berthold & Schwabl-Brenzinger, 1982), very characteristic of the whole sphere, steers thought and eye in the wrong direction; the researcher tends to adapt to his presumed adaptation and filter away or be blinded to the perhaps most interesting material. In all these cases I can feel the ghost of Darwinism in the background: it only sees individuals, racing between stops for individual optimization, but is blind to their resting (maybe not always safely) in the cradle of the system/population, and having their essential movement through this cradle.

V. Greenfinches: specific I have seen 2y, non-breeding Greenfinch males with shed first primary in the last days of June (but there are no moult-cards). In Scania the average moult start falls on or shortly after 1 August, and among birds migrating by way of Scania in October/November a few have not started moulting until 1 - 15 September (and there must be such late birds of Scanian origin, too). Newton (1968) gives 5 August as mean starting date for 115 investigated British Greenfinches, the 95 %-interval falling between 25.6 and 14.9, i.e. two and a half months! The span should be much the same in Scandinavia (the summer material in this paper is extremely poor), this in turn is packed together into an effective adult migration period (where the most distant migrants have already flown 1400 kms) of little more than a month. Furthermore Newton (1972) estimates that all secondaries grow for 20 days, the same valid for the short primaries (P1 - 4), while the growth of P9 lasts 30 days. If all this is to be bundled into a 85-day-period, remiges must grow with appr. 50 % overlap in the following way: P1 - 3 20 days; P4 - 6 overlapping with these and with S1 - 3 +10 days; S1 - 3 +10 days, P7 + S4 overlapping with S1 - 3 and the last primaries +13 days; P8 - 9 plus S5 - 6 +30 days, summing up to 84 days. According to Newton (1968) on average 2.6 primaries grow in Greenfinches from the shedding of the third until the seventh is full-grown. If this course of events is to be accelerated even more (after, say, moult start on 15 September) the bird has to grow more remiges at the same time, and risk to be handicapped in flight, or arrest prematurely. My first and most important hypothesis goes: this interruption is effected through catastrophic dynamics. The presence of catastrophes is not "proven" by the material presented here - there is no point in calculating with four birds having four old remiges, I could need 5.000 moult-cards - but I think that the presence of catastrophes has for the first time been made probable1. The magnitude of this probability is a decision for the individual reader to make; I think I should not argue more in this particular case, but continue to other species, other contexts, and submit new material, illustrating the same phenomenon from other angles.
1. One problem is, that the interrupting catastrophes in, say, Norrköping and Uleåborg, are most certainly displaced relative to each other; hence the drawn-out bands of data points among migrating birds in Scania. But again it is obvious how, the same way as in the case of Yellow Wagtails, there is a sort of all-embracing harmonization at some latitude; practically all birds suddenly have the same readiness for migration, the same flight capacity, the same fattening and move together in the same main direction. The complexity of this synchronization makes the head go round! Of course calculations should preferrably be based on "pure" materials from Finland, N. Sweden, Norway, central Sweden etc., but recording moult is a difficult thing when the whole population is ready for departure. It is practically always necessary to "beat windward" when researching moult in the field, making the best of the existing conditions.

From a temporal point of view Greenfinch males are without exception in a better position than females; when migration starts they are in majority in pentades 58 and 59 (Fig. 2), before females - in overall majority during migration - take over. Two thirds of the males have had completely fresh remiges, while a majority of females still has growing remiges on migration in SW Scania. The average gap of all moulting categories was 0.4 - 0.5 remiges (secondaries) with standard deviation the same order of magnitude. When the median date of migration approaches, all moulting categories of the diagram TIME on MOULT SCORE are packed together and the regression becomes practically vertical, here conditions remind of conditions in Yellow Wagtail moult - to: Moult of Yellow Wagtails (Motacilla flava) in Sweden. But the remiges of Yellow Wagtails grow faster in the final phase, while Greenfinches lose momentum, which makes their moulting pattern reminiscent of the pattern in e.g. Waxwing (Bombycilla garrulus), Siskin (Carduelis spinus) and Crossbills (Loxia sp.) in "invasion years". This is an important observation, I regard it as a confirmation that the rather rigid temporal framework in "regular", long-distance migrants was established, and is managed by catastrophes of the kind that "send out" an invasion at any time of the year. The Greenfinch has much to contribute in the research of such time-patterns, and it is easy to catch, maybe the species standing closest to European bird-ringers.


Moult and migration in Greenfinches (Carduelis chloris) in SW Scania, Sweden. A material comprising 1171 moult-cards from SW Scania, mainly from late autumn (overall time distribution: Fig. 2) is analyzed. The summer material is poor, and the main focus is directed on the shift from the moult state to the migration state. Following Newton (1968, 1972) and Ginn & Melville (1983) a mean start by August 1st and a mean duration of (at least) 85 days for remige moult is assumed also in Scandinavian Greenfinches. These values may vary from south to north; the necessary material to judge in this matter is not at hand. Two thirds of all males had fresh remiges, while a majority of the migrating females still had at least one growing remige. In birds with growing remiges the mean gap was 0.4 - 0.5 inner secondaries, standard deviations the same order of magnitude. This is probably what any migrant can sustain; in extreme cases the gap amounted to as much as 1.5 inner secondaries. Late moulters (in particular females; see Fig. 6) arrested and left 1 - 4 inner secondaries unmoulted. There is no case of unmoulted primaries from early November onwards. When Greenfinches enter the migration state, the growth of feathers seems to come to a halt, at least the growth rate is extremely low. S6 grown to 0.95 - 0.98 of full length is often met with in adult males in spring, and a female arresting after S3 had this remige only 0.9 of full length on 21 August in the following summer. It is suggested, based on Fig. 6, and with reference to
Moult of Yellow Wagtails (Motacilla flava) in Sweden that the moult process is to a high extent regulated, governed by information, and that the necessary interruption ("extradition" of late moulters) is taken care of by catastrophic dynamics Elementary catastrophe theory, an introduction, always potentially present below the surface in any group of living beings, linked together by communication. It is also suggested, that these catastrophes originally were instrumental - and continuously are instrumental - in creating the temporal pattern of e.g. an annual cycle in any living organism.


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The first version of this paper is written by Christer Persson and published on the web on 6.12.01, English version 28.12.01. An important part of the material comes from ringings done by Ulf Lundwall in Lund and Löddesnäs, interesting moult-cards from two occasions by Peter Olsson at Kämpinge in the autumn of 1994. I need not add: I would be glad to see and calculate more material, preferrably thousands of moult-cards from the whole of Europe! I am interested in the number of old remiges in spring, I am interested in weights of moulting birds (but do not weigh where they are fed). Use decimal scale when recording moult, this gives better resolution, important in the study of details from the final phase! Summer material from the whole of Scandinavia, allowing calculations of the average moult-start, would be particularly welcomed.

APPENDIX I: Recruitment area of moulting Greenfinches (Carduelis chloris) in this study.

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