Information about Zero Debate
Zero Dogs: (Click on the Name for Pedegree or on the Picture for bigger formation)
Zeros Cider

100% Zero

Zeros Milky Way

100% Zero

Zeros Rue Hoe

100% Zero

Zeros Dargo

100% Zero

Zeros Sparkey

100% Zero

Click here to read this In Swedish

There are two very experienced Siberian kennels in Norway that is still spreading rumours that dogs from Kennel Zero would not have been pure-bred Siberian. I have very, very great confidence in their knowledge and experience existing Siberian Husky and Mushing. The one person I have met a few times at competitions over the years. His former fiancée, I have less confidence. She sat in Norwegian Siberian Husky breeding Council (years before the Swedish Siberian Husky Club breeding counsel) where this debate took place as best in Sweden and Norway the mid eighties. She and her former colleagues in the Swedish breeding Council was also the first to condemn/harass me for my clean Show Huskies (Monadnoks) I had then. I have been through a hysterical debate from one extreme end to the other about this with various types of Siberian Husky ... the substance of this is that it does not matter what you are, there is always rumourmongers and false attack from different directions.

The basis for this reputation, the spread of Zero Kennel is the following:

1. Three Norwegian (tourism drivers) who were transferred to Zero Kennel summer -82 allegedly "offered" to buy Alaskan with Siberian paper out of Harris Dunlap.

2. On a "private" dinner at the home of one of these experienced Norwegian Siberian kennels autumn -84 was Dr. David Kronfeld invited. Currently, besides David Kronfeld, was K.G. – Ch.J. - F.B. (No names mentioned) and 2 more people. David Kronfeld should have told them that Harris had no pure-bred Siberian since 60 century's end !?!?! And that certain individuals imported to Scandinavia was Alaskan with Siberian paper. Kronfeld also alleged that he "frequently had been in to pick out those who had most Siberian in themselves in the litters”

Comment by Wolf Tribe:

The three Norwegians allegedly "offered" to buy Alaskan paper with Siberian summer -82 were: R.B. - Ø.L. and P-H.H.:
None of these gentlemen would like to confirm the allegations made by Ch.J (then Norwegian Breeding Council), K.G. and F.B. or answer any questions. Asked if they received an offer to buy Alaskan with Siberian paper responded with two of them that they did not want any more got to do with it (the story is that it circulated a counterfeit? paper with these gentlemen endorsement in the Norwegian Breeding Council), the third answered the question "No, not what he could remember." What he could remember was that Harris Dunlap pointed to their Alaskan and said something about "they could certainly be recorded because of its similarity to Siberian" ...

Personally, I do not think that statement is particularly noteworthy from Harris Dunlap. He brought forward the “little to much controversial" ideas for AKC, in his article "On Trotters" published in Siberian World nr.5 (1979-80), there he, in my opinion, makes fool of and attacks Show people on a very concrete way and a lot of "a matter of fact".
Click here to read the article "On Trotters" (Only in Swedish).

Moreover had Harris Dunlap three different "lines" out of Sleeddogs on his kennel, including a line who  was pure-bred Siberian. He selected the same criteria to all the "lines", they would be equivalent in the range of competition. Hence, all three "lines" to be very similar in type.

Why Dr. David Kronfeld would spread rumours about Harris Dunlap is hidden in the obscure, but perhaps the explanation found in Kronfeld was forced to end his column in The American Kennel Gazette, and lost its mission of ALPO (Big dog food companies), while Harris was staying. Or perhaps Kronfeld lost money, he invested in the Zero kennel? ... Not that "I" want to spread rumours, but it can be said as a statement (see how easily it can go to impress an idea ")...

According to the research I have done, it seems that David Kronfeld never have been a real partner in Zero Kennel (correct me if I am wrong). However as research Harris Dunlap and David Kronfeld over two years together regarding Sleeddogs metabolism, and even in hypercholesterolemic ... Here, I think it is not so strange IF Harris would have asked David for advice to "take out the most similar Siberian (read with best metabolism) in the litter" on his dogs, whether it concerned the Siberians or Alaskans... One of the fundamentals of Harris breeding (and research) was just trying to keep the Siberian Huskyns metabolism both in his Siberian whose Alaskan. Alaskan which also consisted of at least 50% Siberian Husky if you look back in these pedigrees. Another thing that Harris passed on, both in its Siberian and in its Alaskan, was thinner fur to avoid "overheating" (Hyperthermin). He studied although Sleeddogs skeletal structure to function optimally as quick race dogs and he used all his obvious knowledge of breeding, both at their Siberian the Alaskan .... Referat from Harris's own notes on a pedigree from his own database concerning the Famous (Alaskan dog). "My ideal 22 mph (20 mile average) DREAM!! 1. Flexible (relatively LONG loin). 2. Fine dense bone. 3. Hound muscling. 4. Husky metabolism (A. No excess heat thru feet) (B. Low caloric needs). Famous does not have # 4 (Wolf Tribes Note: Husky metabolism). Half sister "Flicks" 2:9 (Wolf Tribes Note: Number in Zero database) does have # 4 – BUT gave up some of # 1 (Wolf Tribes Note: Flexible)"... If he used the same accuracy and the demands on their Siberian, which I am sure, I think part of the secret is revealed regarding Zero Siberian incredible work and performance and unfortunately also perhaps a lack of (show?) lookslike ....

The whole reputation spread seems to have started from only 4 people. 3 has been withdrawn/denied that they said something like this and want/do not intend to comment further on the matter. The fourth person, David Kronfeld, is to my knowledge, unfortunately not heard of this thing. Unfortunately died David Kronfeld in December 2006, so it is no longer possible to verify his statements. Harris Dunlap has denied that he would have sold the Alaskan with Siberian paper with the words "NO, why would I have done that”…

Left of this hysteria, which STILL runs like a wave across the world, remains only "hearsay", indeed first hand, but still only hearsay ...

Since no "out there" have something more "concrete" to go on than rumours, and the fact that both Norwegian and Swedish Kennel Club has investigated this matter in the mid eighties, and did not find something remarkable force Zero dogs, I think this discussion be completed for my part.


Keep on Mushing
Wolf Tribes


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