/////T-WRITE BY H:STOLPE////* /////This nifty program writes text at any position in a file ///////////////// ///The data written overwrites any existing data at the current seek position/ #include <stdio.h> #include <direct.h> int main() { FILE *stream; char *list; int numwritten,result,chresult; list = "base in your face!"; ////use chdir to set active path chresult=chdir("C:\\MVSCNT\\BIN"); //////////////////open file as read + write if( (stream = fopen( "autoexec.bak", "r+" )) != NULL ) { /////////////////set writing position result = fseek( stream, 2L, SEEK_SET); numwritten = fwrite( list, sizeof( char), 20, stream ); printf( "Number of items written = %d\n", numwritten ); fclose( stream ); } else printf( "Was not able to open the file\n" ); getch(); return(0); }