ANSI C Programming
This page will feature my source code and various information about general C programming and sections dedicated to Amiga and UNIX programming.
ANSI C programming
When Object orientation and C++ is the vouge, it's easy to forget what started it all. The ANSI C definition as defined by Walther Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie is the most succesfull advanced programming language ever and have an incredible versatility as it has been used in everything from vacuum cleaners to accounting software with equally goos results. Today ANSI C is most common in hardware programming in the embedded platform industry ay for example Ericsson. The main reason why C++ is dominating is of course that it is far more easily maintained because to the general layout and project orientation of the language. However , C++ does not invite to smartcoding and high speed programming as do ANSI C. There are many times when you just dont need "classes" and "heritige".
I myself learned ANSI C when programming the Amiga as I found out that some projects was just taking too long, or had too may bugs as is often the result when you want to finish a project quickly when writing in assembly code. I then moved on to the UNIX and MS enviromenta where C and C++ is totally dominant. The beauty about programming in C is that it can be totally platform independent, the examples below can be compiled on an Amiga SAS C compiler, in Visual C++, UNIX GCC ,Symantec, Borland or whatever.
Walther Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie
Some of my C coding results, the console and tutorial sources are tested in Turbo C, MS Visual C++, UNIX GCC and Amiga SAS compiler. The filehandling of the console applications are in IBM PC format but can easily be adapted to any other format. The Amiga sources are system dependent of course....
Portable Console system applications:
AMIConnect A serial/parallel multi platform data streaming utility
Turing An artificial intelligence simulation software , dependency files not included...
TWrite Utility that writes to a position in a textfile
ReadFile Reads a file and prints it on a the screen w/ command line args
IBM PC Hardware programming:
8112 Driving a CV syntheziser using a D/A acqusition card, (early test version published only)
Tutorial examples:
AsmC Shows assembler integration with C
Struct Shows structure definition and data access
Pointr Shows pointer access
Data Shows struct searching functions
HIPF Shows some special C features
Amiga System programming:
SMPlayC The GUI frontend from the C version of a program I have made in assembly
Menu Shows Amiga GUI menu definition in C