![]() Abbreviations dictionary This is an attempt to clarify some of the various Warhammer-related abbreviations appearing on this page and elsewhere. It doesn't aspire to be a complete work which covers every acronym in existance, but if you know of one which isn't listed here feel free to tell me. A thing like this is always a work in progress 2hw - Great weapon A Ahw - Additional hand weapon B BO - Black Ord Brets - Bretonnians BT - Bolt Thrower BW - Bow C CD - Chaos Dwarfs (possibly Chaos Daemons) CW - Chaos Warriors D DE - Dark Elves DP - Dragon Prince Dwf - Dwarf E Emp - Empire G GC - Great Cannon GD - Greater Daemon OR Golden Daemon OR Games Day GT - Grand Tournament OR Get Together GW - Games Workshop H HA - Heavy armour Hb - Halberd HE - High Elves K KotR - Knights of the Realm KotWW - Knights of the White Wolf L LA - Light armour LB - Longbow Lc - Lance Lizzies - Lizardmen N NG - Night Goblin O O&G - Orcs & Goblins OG - Organ Gun P PCB - Plague Censer Bearer(s) R RBT - Repeating Bolt Thrower RCB - Repeating Crossbow RG - Reiksguard RXB - Repeating Crossbow S SB - Short bow Sh - Shield SM - Sword Master SMP - Slann Mage-Priest SO - Savage Orc SOBB - Savage Orc Boar Boy Sp - Spear U US - Unit Strength V VC - Vampire Counts VL - Vermin Lord W WE - Wood Elves WL - White Lion X XB - Crossbow Xhw - Additional hand weapon Written by: Lictor |