



Wheelchair dancing Indoor Bandy Golf R/C Car Links



Welcome !

My name is Richard (nickname "Rille") and I live in Stockholm, Sweden. On this site You will find:

- Wheelchair dancing  = I am a member of "Nacka HI". Each Thursday of  the week  we meet and dance together. When two wheelchairs (rollies) dance together it is duo dancing and when a wheel- chair (rollie) and a walking dance together it is combi dancing. See pictures and  much more on the wheel chair dance page.

- Indoor Bandy  = The "Nacka HI" indoor bandy team is one of the best team playing in the series. Pictures from training and games.

- Golf  = I am a member of "Nacka Golf Club" and golf is one of my big passions in life. I try to play as often as I can. On the golf page You will find information and pictures of Nacka golf course.

- R/C Cars  = For the moment just one of our cars, but more will come.

- Links  = Links to friends, organisations , other R/C sites and more..........


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