About Nethack

- Welcome to NetHack! ( description of version 3.2 ) -

NetHack is a Dungeons and Dragons like game where you (the adventurer) descend into the depths of the dungeon in search of the Amulet of Yendor, reputed to be hidden somewhere below the twentieth level.
There are several games of this kind: Hacklite, Hack, Rogue for example. If you have played any of these, then you know what I'm talking about.

You begin your adventure with a dog or cat that can help you in many ways, and can be trained to do all sorts of things. On the way you will find useful (or useless) items, quite possibly with magic properties, and assorted monsters. You can attack a monster by trying to move onto the space a monster is on (but often it is much wiser to leave it alone).

Unlike most adventure games, which give you a verbal description of your location, NetHack gives you a visual image of the dungeon level you are on.

Disclaimer: This text is mostly extracted from the Nethack helpfiles.

In Nethack there are 12 different classes which you can play with.The following are the intrinsic abilities or properties that certain classes have at the start of the game, and which can NOT be gained by the other classes (unless also mentioned here).

Archeologist Archeologists:
- recognise all gems.

Barbarian Barbarians:
- always get Cleaver as first present;
- recognise all weapons and armour.

Caveman Cave(wo)men:
- never get a cat as starting pet.

Elf Elves:
- always get Orcrist as first present;
- can eat humans without a penalty, but may not eat elves;
- can offer humans without a penalty, but may not offer elves (it matters if you are chaotic or not);
- get a bonus when trying to hit orcs;
- get a bonus when using a bow, extra so if it is an elven bow;
- recognise all elven items;
- will never meet any peaceful orcs.

Healer Healers:
- gain +1 alignment when healing tame/peaceful creature with a spell;
- get a special treatment by nurses;
- get no damage from potions of sickness.

Knight Knights:
- (when carrying the Magic Mirror of Merlin) inflict double damage when they turn undead in any way, when they use a spell of fireball, force bolt, magic missile, cone of cold, or finger of death, or when they
use a wand of striking;
- always get Excalibur as first present;
- can jump like a chess-knight;
- can turn undead without having to use the spell;
- get a -1 alignment penalty if they eat when already satiated;
- get a -1 alignment penalty when attacking monsters that cannot move or are fleeing;
- get an alignment adjustment when they dig in a shop;
- recognise all weapons and armour.

Priest Priest(esse)s:
- are better in kicking (they know martial arts);
- can be of any alignment;
- can identify objects' curses or blesses by merely looking at them or touching them;
- can turn undead without having to use the spell;
- receive only half damage from undead if they are wearing the Mitre of Holiness.

Rogue Rogues:
- are better at untrapping things;
- are better with credit cards and lock picks;
- can steal without an alignment penalty;
- don't get an alignment adjustment when they pay a shopkeeper's damage.

Samurai Samurai:
- always get Snickersnee as first present;
- are better in kicking (they know martial arts);
- get a bonus when using a bow, extra so if it is a yumi;
- get an alignment penalty when attacking peaceful creatures;
- never get a cat as starting pet;
- recognise all weapons and armour;
- use Japanese names for some items.

Tourist Tourists:
- pay 33% extra in shops, whether or not wearing a visible Hawaiian shirt, and they get 33% less when they sell something.

Valkyrie Valkyries:
- always get Mjollnir as first present;
- recognise all weapons and armour;
- with strength 25 can throw Mjollnir and have it return.

Wizard Wizards:
- always get Magicbane as first present;
- get the teleport spell at level 8, instead of at level 12;
- have a much better chance of writing unknown spellbooks or scrolls (1/3 versus 1/15 for other classes);
- never get a dog as starting pet;
- regenerate energy points more quickly (3/4 of other classes' speed).

(Boudewijn Wayers - kroisos@win.tue.nl)

For more information, read the Nethack Guidebook

Eyyy...get of my picture!!!
Mattias the Priest is now going to take some stuff from the rich shopkeeper.

If you have any questions about Nethack (which you can't
find an answer to in this page or in the spoilers) then
send them to me, and I will try to find you an answer.

Mail me