Welcome to my international website.I'm a constructional engineer that helps Architects to produce housedrawings in CAD (among other things) I have my own buisness and can be consulted in constructional matters practically anywhere in the world (thanks to internet) Background When I finished college and the military service I started to work for a building contractor. My age was about 20. After a couple of years on the field I wanted to come inside and do the drawings I used to read in my surveying work. I got employed in an Architectoffice in Stockholm. Then in the late 80's I draw my first Autocad-drawing on one of the first IBM-PCs. It didn't took long before I was assigned to take care of the growing numbers of PCs at the office. Of course we had to buy a LAN too. In the spring of -96 I decided to start my own firm. I was really surprised when I realized that my buisnesskoncept worked for me. Through my connections I have more work than I can manage. I'm a quite experienced PC-user. In my work I mostly use Autocad for drawings, but I'm also very interested in 3D-modeling (incl. rendering and animation). For this I use 3D Studio MAX and VIZ. There are also a number of other programs that I use. I can mention a few here: Adobe Photoshop, MS- Frontpage, MS- Publisher, MS- Word, MS- Excel, MS- Access. Feel free to contact me either by e-mail or sign my guestbook. In a near future I will show you some cool models and pictures |