Tai Chi and Alternative Health

Cover of mag. "Tai Chi and Alternative Health" 4KB. Discussions on aspects of theory and philosofy, practical information / training methods, bakground history, the difference in approach of  various styles, practitioner's experiences with Tai Chi, the practice and theory of other internal arts. Also articles on health topics, whether theoretical or practical.

No Internet-address available

Tai Chi & Alternative Health
PO Box 6404
London E18 1EX

Phone/Fax: 0181 502 9307

(ISSN 1355-8307)


The Tai Chi Magazine

Wayfarer Publications, P.O. Box 26156, Los Angeles, CA 90026, 1-800-888-9119, published bimonthly, International Subscription: 1 yr $30US; 2yrs $45US,
If your a T'ai Chi Ch'uan enthusiast you should be getting it. Like any magazine the pages have to be filled up each issue and not every article is going to replace the Classics ;-) By LScheele@ix.netcom.com (Lee Scheele)

Wu Gong Journal