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Welcome to the Lahti Family
Here you can find a little bit more to read about our family |
Many of our friends have homepages of their own. Here you can find links to some of them. |
We have a couple of pages about children and parenthood. (Only available in Swedish) |
Here you can find links to pages about how to build loudspeakers and other HiFi related sites. Most of the links are in English, even if the page is in Swedish. |
A few links to auto related sites, mostly Swedish ones. |
If you want to find links to sites about e.g. Torslanda, Gothenburg, Machintosh and Internet you can start looking here. Most of the sites are in Swedish. |
We are members of a lot of different web rings. Please feel free to choose one and continue the journey around the Internet when you're finished exploring our space in the virtual reality. |
Please write some nice words in our guestbook if you liked our site! |
We love e-mail! |
Most of the pictures and backgrounds you find on our pages are made by me (Eva Lahti). If you like them you can borrow them, but in that case I want you to put a link to our pages and send a mail to me.
You are visitor number since April 12, 1998.
Lilleby April 12, 1998, Eva Lahti, lahti@swipnet.se
In English:
Lahti Family | Hans | Eva | Gustav
In Swedish:
Lahti Family
Our friends | Children | Cars | Sound | Misc. Web rings