Flyttning / Migration

Weight status and daily distance flown by Swedish Reed Buntings Emberiza schoeniclus in autumn, by Ulf Lundwall and Christer Persson.
Swedish Reed Buntings migrate to the Mediterranean area at an average speed of 42 km/day. Resting birds in SW Scania increase their weight at a rate of 0.2 g/hour, converting this food into some 0.4 - 0.5 g of fat per day.
Svensk version av ovanstående: Viktstatus och daglig flygsträcka för svenska sävsparvar Emberiza schoeniclus på hösten, av Ulf Lundwall och Christer Persson.
Weights, fat levels and distances flown by migrating Scandinavian Yellow Wagtails Motacilla flava in autumn, by Ulf Lundwall and Christer Persson.
Scandinavian Yellow Wagtails migrate with rather small fat deposits and have a slow but steady linear mean progress over the European mainland: 74 km/day.
Two Goldcrest (Regulus regulus) recoveries in conjunction
Migration before the wind and migration against the wind are both likely options for Goldcrests in the Baltic area. Two recoveries "in conjunction" suggest, that a cohort of Scandinavian birds may leave their breeding area flying against the wind, later on correcting the displacement they have suffered by flying before the same wind direction.