Roland SH101 Syntheziser
This was my first syntheziser!, I got it as a christmas gift when I was about 12 years old. A sold it a few years after in favor for a polyphonic Korg! In recent years I really began to miss the sound of that screaming filter and bought it again (at a much higher price...). This baby is unique in many ways, but what really sets it apart from other synths is the combination of different triggermodes and the built in sequencer. You can get really stunning acidic basslines when fooling around with the legato/hold switch, trigger mode switch and filter cutoff while the sequencer plays. Add a auto fingered portamento and you get more kicks than with the TB303 IMO. The ability to mix saw,pulse and -2 octave sub bass is also a very good tool for making detailed bass sounds, I always seem to grab my SH101 when I cant seem to get where I want on my other analogs.
The 18db/Oct filter is a special thing alltogether, the resonance is the most screaming I have ever heard. Another cool feature of this remarkably able little synth is the quite advanced LFO section, you have triangle, square, S/H noise and noise. But you can actually get three different control waveforms at the same time since the vco freq mod in the bend section always gets a sine wave and the pwm always get a triangle even if the filter gets pure noise!. The noise can modulate the VCO pitch for very cool percussive noise burt effects. AND! when in S/H noise mode the S/H clock is synced to the sequencer/arpeggio, veeery cool!
It is not hard too see why these little babys are the most popular dance synths along with the 303.