Oberheim Matrix-6 Syntheziser
Well,what can I say! The parameter list on the front of the MX6 says something of it's programmability! The MX6 is really a modular synth under digital control. The Matrix-6 is the descendant of the mighty Oberheim Xpander/Matrix 12 and share the basic voice architecture with these synths. Two major distinctions though: the MX 6 has DCO's instead of VCO's and the filter is not multimode. The MX6 is built around CEM chips and the oscillators sounds somewhat more "digital" than it's bigger brothers. This can be worked around however, and the filter is extremly warm and spells "Oberheim"! The lead sound when in unison mode can cut through brick..The Matrix 1000 is a very wide spread studio synth module and are voice compatible with the Matrix 6 but have more "digital sounding DCO's" and is not bitimbral nor has it double/split functions.
The MX6 is after the Xpander/MX12 the worlds most advanced midi analog polyphonic syntheziser. The voice architecture consists of 2 DCO's that can put out saw and pulse waves at the same time. Both the pulsewidth and the "sawtooth width" can be modulated. The pitch interval can be set in semi tones all the way and the keyboard tracking can be turned off. The oscillators can be synced in 3 different modes and osc 1 can FM modulate the VCF for gourgeous effects. The VCF is the famous Oberheim filter and is very warm but have an agressive , sharp sound to it when resonant. You have 3 induvidual EG's that can be trigged in 7 different ways (from LFO's or external amongst others..). Each step in the EG's can also be modulated.....
The 2 LFO's have all waveforms you could think of AND true sample & hold that can sample any of the 20 modulation sources! The LFO's can be depth and rate modulated and can be trigged in a plethora of different ways, including triggering by itself (!) or the other LFO. In addition to the normal modulators are 3 not so normal ones, a 5 step tracking generator to make any of the 20 mod sources non-linear in different ways, 2 ramp generators and a separate master "vibrato" LFO that is almost as advanced as LFO and 2 only missing the S&H function. The portament is also the most advanced I have seen AND can be used to modulate any of the 30 destinations, not just pitch!
The extremly versatile "Matrix modulation system" allow 10 simoultaneus modulation routings with 20 sources modulating 32 destinations.... Not forgetting the 30 fixed routings which can be used along with the Matrix. This, of course would aquire a lot of patch cords on a modular.
Imagine modulating the filter FM effect with EG3 which decay parameter is modulated with the tracking generator getting its input from LFO1 sampling the portamento which time is modulated from LFO2 who triggers LFO1 that modulate the pitch of osc1 in nontrack mode ,and are rate modulated and depth modulated via velocity
As a midi syntheziser the MX6 excels over the MX1000 module by being bi timbral on 2 midi channels. The keyboard have velocity and aftertouch. You can also layer and split 2 sounds.
This is another synth I would never part with unless I was offered a Xpander or a Matrix 12.