Curriculum Vitae


Experimental Computer aided Measurement Physics at  Gothenburg University 1987 - 1994

Leadership education at The Swedish Military Air force   1997 - 1999

Master of Science in Physics   at  Gothenburg University   1994 - 2000

Work experience

Military service as transmission Engineer at The Swedish Air force   (full time)  1985 -1986

Production worker  at Volvo Car Production plant   (full time) 1989 - 1990

Instrumental Engineer  at Volvo Car Development  emissions lab  (full time) 1990 - 1991

Lab Assistant in Microcomputer Education at Gothenburg University  (part time)   1994 - 1998

Project Coordinator in the annual Science fair 1997 for University students   (part time) 1997 -1998

Technical Military Sergeant at The Swedish  Air force  in the LOMOS  system (part time) 1996 -

Sales and Marketing at ASES DATA computer store (summers ) 1998 - 2001

Thesis work at Ringhals power plant with Artificial Neural Network (ANN) methods (full time) 1999-2000 

Core Physicist at Ringhals power plant in the role of an ANN-Programmer (full time)  2000 - 2001

Developing Nuclear application with Zisc technology at NERACON 2001 -2002