I have been thinking about a thing for a long time. Why should I be nice and a good boy? I mean why should I do something good for you if I don`t get something out of it. This is really scarry and actually I can`t explain why giving is so good. But I think that you can`t meassure or valuate a feeling in the same way as an shirt or a cup. Some guys belive that if I don`t get something back I havnt earned something. Thats wrong, becouse if you give this thing to a person and the person gets happy youve earned a feeling a feeling of happines. But should you give away something that you want for yourself? I belive that you should do that if you don`t want it more than this person want it. I don`t know what this thing is called but I heard Petter Wallbeck or something on radio and he called this thing "kosmisk Kommmunism".

So be more love full and don`t give up.