My life started in my mother (ofcourse) and then when i continued to grow my mothers mage got bigger and bigger....bla bla. At the age of....something....I broke my leg for the first time when i was ice skating. This would bee the first of many leg and arm brott. I am not very skinny or easy to break, its just that Im very unlucky sometimes. For 4 years I studied at KungsladugårdsSkolan, but it wasnt nice people there (except David G) so i changed to Nordhemsskolan witch was a nicer school. When I where about 15 or 14 something i become a vegetarian becouse I don`t like the idea to eat animals and I don`t like meat. I don`t like or take any kind of drugs becouse I want to be able to think clear. Now im studing at Frölunda Gymnasiet and planning to work with computers (ofcourse) or if that dosent work I would like to be a diktator :) The first Music I listened to was hmm...... Mars (Pump up the volume) witch sounds like techno. After that I listened to 2 Unlimited becouse I liked the rap and the techno music. Now these days i listen to rap (mostly Westcoast) and techno but i also like punk and other sorts of music if its good. My politicaly view is somewhere pretty far to the left. |