Arkitekt SAR


Drei Kinder bedueten Liebe für die Familie und für die Andere .

Unsere Kinder geboren in NEUMARKSTAD (Marosvásárhely, Tirgu-Mures) mitte im Siebenburger. Jetz wohnen Sie im kalt, dunkel, unfreindlische Schweden.





Among many hundred candidates our three children were chosen to work as modelles for swedens bigest faschions catalogs ; Haléns, Josefssons, Cellbers and others

TIMEA geboren am
13-14 April 1977


OLIVER geboren am
13 September 1978


HUNOR geboren am
13 März 1980

Timea finnished High-shool in the USA. Now she studies at the University of Gothenburg.   Oliver realized that studing is not woorth. In Sweden not one minister has bigher education thas High.scool. Lately he has beea working as a testingpilot at a paragliding factory.   Hunor is studyng art at the Bächäng High-school in Boras. In februari 1999 he finnished third at the Nordic Artskate Championship. Now the military.
